Be careful when using loops in Jasmine specs

Your test automation code is an important tool to evaluate your application. You must ensure your test code is working/testing as you want it to be. the automated tests give confidence for the developer that the application behaves as expected and things are not broken after they change the code. Recently, at our QA phase, the QA found a bug that should have been caught from our test automation. Therefore being suspicious I looked into the code....

February 1, 2017 · Sinaru Gunawardena

National Museum of Ireland – Natural History Museum, Dublin

Stuffed and mounted animals are displayed in their 19th-century grandeur in this throwback museum. – Google

January 22, 2017 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Trying out Ansible on local mode

So you might be interested running ansible to configure your local machine. In this article, I’m going to show you the minimum steps that need to install _Vim _ using Ansible on an Ubuntu host machine. Install latest Ansible version from apt Create a folder (let’s call this “ansible”) under home directory Create a file called ‘inventory‘ under the new folder and put following content in the file Create a file called ‘vim....

January 19, 2017 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Howth Cliff Walk, Dublin

Today I did went to Howth and did the cliff walk with an Italian friend. Didn’t do the full cliff but did quite a long walk nevertheless. 🙂 Here are some photos from the walk…

January 15, 2017 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Trailing whitespaces: what you gonna do about it?

What is a trailing whitespace? Trailing whitespace is any spaces or tabs after the last non-whitespace character on the line until the newline. Background Few months ago, it was raised that PR submitted code tend to have trailing whitespace changes in code diff along with other “real” code changes. This whitespace change is a diff where the change was removing one or more trailing whitespaces from the existing code. We then noticed that the editors we were using were automatically removing trailing whitespaces that were already existed in the code when the file get saved....

January 9, 2017 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Having a newline character at end of file

Background/problem/question: When you create a newfile, and push it to Github, in code diff view, it will say no newline at end of file. Sometimes text editors would also add an EOF newline, if they noticed that the file being edited does not end in a newline, when they are saved (usually it is configured that way by default). Reasoning: In POSIX, a line is a sequence of zero or more non-newline characters plus a terminating character....

January 9, 2017 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Cliff of Moher, Galway

Today I visited Cliff of Moher in Galway, Ireland. It was truly breathtaking…..

December 27, 2016 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Glendalough, Wicklow

I visited Glendalough in Wicklow county today with the housemates. It was a lucky day as we had Sunshine most of the time. Here are some pics from Glendalough

October 17, 2016 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Use different conditions to test methods

Let’s say that you have a function that takes an HTML structure and check items. For simplicity, our method would check if each item in the list has a link pointing to type of resource (A). So here can write a test that takes a list with items containing resource A links. Here we expect the function to return true. But this does not guarantee that the function is working as there is another outcome from the function which false....

October 15, 2016 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Dublin Zoo, Phoenix Park

Today I visited Dublin zoo with a friend. Not a zoo fan but thought to visit anyway as this place is one of the recommended places in Dublin to see. Have to tell it is quite a large area. <p style="margin: 8px 0 0 0; padding: 0 4px;"> <a style="color: #000; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none; word-wrap: break-word;" href="" target="_blank">It was a nice day</a> </p> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"> A photo posted by Sinaru Gunawardena (@sinaru....

October 15, 2016 · Sinaru Gunawardena