Xpath vs CSS Selectors
After researching and reviewing on whether to choose XPATH or CSS selector, the following are the points I came across. Some points to CSS Generally CSS is easy to use and readable over XPATH. REF: http://www.seleniumhq.org/docs/appendix_locating_techniques.jsp#starting-to-use-css-instead-of-xpath CSS is native to browsers and XPATH is not REF: http://old.eurostarconferences.com/blog/2013/1/28/liveblogged!-automated-web-testing-traps-for-the-unwary-with-simon-stewart CSS is preferred for testing as it is having more advantages over XPATH REF: http://seleniumeasy.com/selenium-tutorials/css-selectors-tutorial-for-selenium-with-examples Some points to XPATH XPATH can travese up the document from a child element to parents....