VSFTP to backup multiple websites

For our web management service we also performance website backups in a timely manner by using our own FTP server. This guide is written on how we configured VSFTP (A recognized FTP server in Linux distros such as Ubuntu) to handle multiple websites. ...

August 22, 2015

Is everything there is by Chance or Choice?

It is those rare moments, that you realize and believe something. For me, it was that I thought that everything there is and will be for anything is by “Chance or Choice”.

August 18, 2015 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Git and Dropbox together

Git is a source code management tool and heavily used to open source software developers particulary with services such as github.com. These managed source code locations are called repositories. Source code repository is a powerful place to find history of source code modifications or to download the source code instantly. However sometimes you might want to have a repository that is only available for you. For example, as a backup repository....

July 20, 2015 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Jana Kala Kendraya

July 5, 2015 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Clearing sinusitis and other benefits of using my first Neti Pot

I have been a long time suffer from Sinusitis. If you are suffering from Sinusitis occasionally, you would know how painful and how it makes your life miserable. Here is a good article that list symptoms of Sinusitis. Medication really didn’t help to reduce Sinusitis at all and to feel fresh again. So what I did is searched online about solutions and medications. Tried many things only to find them not effective for my sinus condition....

June 23, 2015

Transgender in Colombo

This is a short article that I thought to write about how I felt when I first encountered transgender people (to be exact, trans women) and how I feel after learning about them. Especially in a society where we don’t know much about transgender, I hope my somewhat insight will help someone to get more understanding about them. I’m from Kandy that is situated in the center of Sri Lanka. For some reason, for the many years I have lived in Kandy I haven’t run into a person who is a transgender female and expressing themselves by clothing or with makeup....

May 31, 2015 · Sinaru Gunawardena

A business name to Work

I have bootstrapped myself work in Ruwalla. I needed to represent this as a business so I started my own business called Creotex that is doing web development.

May 19, 2015

Edit images while on WordPress

Tip to update the images on WP. This feature comes inbuilt of WordPress. Go to media. Click on the image. Click edit image button. Then you will see a list of button that you can use to manipulate (rotate, scale…) the image. Once changed, it will affect all the places where the image is used.

April 23, 2015

Redirect from one host to another using Apache htaccess

Redirect from one host to another using Apache htaccess

April 19, 2015

Speed up Selenium web-driver tests by disabling images and CSS

Using Selenium Webdriver, we can manipulate and use a web browser programmatically. This is widely used in website testing as once a programmed script is written to run on a website, we can sit back and relax while the script is testing the desired outcomes of the website. Also there are many other use cases. Now the thing about the driver is that it uses a real web browser to run the scripts....

April 18, 2015