What makes a software product great?

Before talking about software, lets talk about cars. Why do I want to talk about cars is to take great car design as an analogy to great software design. What comes to your head when you hear BMW or Mercedes-Benz? The standard quality of these vehicles. They ordered by most important first are to be; Perform well (functional, does what it is suppose to do well) Reliable Comfortable (ease of use, positive feeling) Artistic / Luxurious (Have a taste) Let’s look at their slogans....

January 19, 2016 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Industry specific degrees / nanodegrees

I’m writing this article after reviewing about a new degree type called Nanodegrees offered by Udacity. I got a mail regarding that, so I went to their website and collected information. Available Nanodegrees: https://www.udacity.com/nanodegree From what I understood there are two facts that make these degrees special They are designed to get the skills you need for a specific job role with several projects that will add value as experience. The overall curriculum is updated by partnering with recruitment managers and experts from leading companies....

January 16, 2016 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Why your photos not deleted when you delete a user in Laravel

Ok so you have a relationship mentioned in your eloquent user model to link the photo model relationship. So in your user model class you might have something like below to define the relationship. In your Photo class you might have put some code for deleting event to delete the photo files. Ok so now you can define what to do when the user is getting deleted. Here’s the catch....

December 25, 2015 · Sinaru Gunawardena

how a forced behavior can stop you from trying other ways

This is about a story. I had this touch screen phone and the screen was broken. I was using it for about 6 months, didn’t care to change the screen. However for some ways to use the phone, I had to turn it so that I can use it horizontally. Otherwise with the broken screen, I wouldn’t be able to do what I want. Then I got the screen fixed. However surprisingly my brain was forcing me to turn the phone horizontally to use it, even though I knew I don’t have to do it that way....

November 21, 2015 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Sonder WordPress Theme

I wanted to develop a minimalist type of a WordPress theme and use on my personal website. The source code is available under Git if you are interested in using it. View Source

November 19, 2015 · Sinaru Gunawardena

A List of Movies that can Describe About Us to Aliens

I just randomly got this idea, that if another species want to learn about us, what kind of movies would grealy described about us, humans, and about Earth. So I created this list from the movies I have seen, or maybe at least seen the trailer. So this is a collection of movies that I chose to send to out of space to teach or describe about us, if they are ever found by another species....

November 19, 2015 · Sinaru Gunawardena

OpenShift with FileZilla

Here’s how you can configure to access your OpenShift using FileZilla FTP. Open FileZilla and go to Edit > Settings > SFTP Click Add key and navigate to .ssh folder. Select id_rsa and when asked, save as id_rsa.ppk Now it should be listed in SFTP block Go to OpenShift and get the SSH URL. In FileZilla add a new connection. For Host use the URL after @ sign of the SSH URL....

October 30, 2015 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Improving PHP Xdebug Speed

Great, you have finally figured out how to install and enable PHP Xdebug. Now you can debug your PHP websites and web apps in your local machine. However what you might found out is that after enabling Xdebug, your website’s response time is very low. You might have to wait for more like a second to display your website. Disabling profiler As I found out, the main reason for this is the Xdebug profiler....

September 25, 2015 · Sinaru Gunawardena

How to setup canonical URL in Yii2

You can place a canonical URL to a page using your view file. To generate the canonical URL, we can use the canonical ( ) in the URL helper class. Also note this method consider if the current website URL is applicable to any URL rules specified and if so generate the canonical URL based on that. One catch I found with this canonical URL method is that all the parameters in the URL are captured and parsed into the generated URL....

September 24, 2015

Set up mongoDB as a Windows service

September 18, 2015