PDF version of Guide to MongoDB Indexes

You can download the PDF version for MongoDB indexes on their official site at: http://docs.mongodb.org/master/MongoDB-indexes-guide.pdf

April 16, 2015

Fixing No Input File Specified error on Nginx + PHP

Today I wanted to try out Nginx server my windows machine. After setting up the basic server block details for my project, I called the site URL. In the WT-NMP stack to quickly setup the software I needed. In the server block, I needed to specify my root path in a different location other than WWW. Then when I hit the URL, I was getting “No Input File Specified” for my PHP script....

April 5, 2015

Kalapaluwawa Sri Sudarshanarama Purana Viharaya

March 20, 2015 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Setting up xdebug with phpstorm

This guide provide a step by step details on how to set up phpstorm IDE to work with xdebug. Installing on Ubuntu In software search for xdebug and install. Add to the following xdebug settings to php.ini file Installing on Windows XAMPP First download xdebug and copy it into the extension folder. Copy the full path the extension. Add the following xdebug settings to php.ini file. php.ini file Install easiest xdebug for Firefox and specify the remote IDE key for Firefox...

December 30, 2014

Xpath vs CSS Selectors

After researching and reviewing on whether to choose XPATH or CSS selector, the following are the points I came across. Some points to CSS Generally CSS is easy to use and readable over XPATH. REF: http://www.seleniumhq.org/docs/appendix_locating_techniques.jsp#starting-to-use-css-instead-of-xpath CSS is native to browsers and XPATH is not REF: http://old.eurostarconferences.com/blog/2013/1/28/liveblogged!-automated-web-testing-traps-for-the-unwary-with-simon-stewart CSS is preferred for testing as it is having more advantages over XPATH REF: http://seleniumeasy.com/selenium-tutorials/css-selectors-tutorial-for-selenium-with-examples Some points to XPATH XPATH can travese up the document from a child element to parents....

December 8, 2014

NUC machines might be the next desktop killer

While it seems like to CPU processing power is coming to a limitation, Intel is focusing on small form factor machines. ...

November 22, 2014

Installing Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files for your JRE

Today in work, I had to use AES encryption to basically encrypt and secret text and store it somewhere. This is with Ruby language so I ended up using ‘aes’ gem as it is build on top of OpenSSL and provides simple set of methods that can be used to encrypt and decrypt strings. Following is the Git repository location which also has some guidelines on using the gem. https://github.com/chicks/aes...

November 19, 2014

Setting up xdebug with phpstorm

This guide provide a step by step details on how to set up phpstorm IDE to work with xdebug. First download xdebug and copy it into the extension folder. Copy the full path the extension. Add the following xdebug settings to php.ini file. php.ini file Install easiest xdebug for Firefox and specify the remote IDE key for Firefox <a href=“http://blog-sinaru.rhcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Untitled-picture.png" data-rel=“lightbox-image-0” data-rl_title=”" data-rl_caption="" title=""> Then in the xdebug configuration apply following...

September 16, 2014

Begging for happiness

I’m in the process of creating a new painting with begging as the subject. There is this old woman who suddenly appeared in Nawala Colombo. I happen to see this woman everyday because she’s just spending time near to where I work. When I look at her eyes, it’s like time has stopped with her and she’s waiting for something. What I think is probably she’s waiting for the day when she finally get through her loneliness....

July 20, 2014 · Sinaru Gunawardena

Wewrukannala Raja Maha Viharaya

July 14, 2014 · Sinaru Gunawardena